International Porcelain Artists and Teachers, Inc.
204 E. Franklin Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1807, Grapevine, Texas 76099
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Ever want to be published?
We would love to have you submit an article to Porcelain Artist. It can be as simple as a photo of piece of which you are particularly proud, or a study, a biography of a master, or a technique. Here are some general guidelines:
Only IPAT members' original work which has not been published online (including on social media) or in another magazine is acceptable. Editors reserve the right to make exceptions; however, the artist must retain copyright in such cases.
Take photographs on a solid contrasting background. Email original high quality photos to the editor at office@ipatinc.org or corinnasiu@hotmail.com.hk. Do not reduce, enlarge, crop or manipulate your photos in any way. IPAT may crop or enhance your photos as needed for publication.
Article: Email a short article or short paragraph in MS Word format.
The IPAT Editorial Board has sole discretion of accepting materials for publication. IPAT, Inc., and its personnel are not responsible for any untoward results caused by any results gleaned from Porcelain Artist, the IPAT newsletter or any other publications.
A signed Art Release Form must be emailed to the Editor before any materials will be published in Porcelain Artist. Please click the button below for the form.